
Showing posts from 2015

SSIS : Error :ole has sent a request and is waiting for a reply in ssis + solution

when we are trying to load huge data using ssis we are getting this error ole has sent a request and is waiting for a reply in ssis. The solution we got is apply delay validation = true on the package level so that you can avoid the above error.

TSQL : How to solve Msg 8115, Level 16, State 6

Hi All    when are trying to load Float value into Varchar column the data is load with exponential notation .  which is not good for reporting , so we want represent the number as it is without  e   , so when try to convert that float into Bigint  and then convert into varchar we got the  error.  again tried with decimal(38,0)  still got the below error   Msg 8115, Level 16, State 6, Procedure mdm_GetEndXCustomerDetails, Line 16 Arithmetic overflow error converting float to data type numeric.   Then we have used the STR() function which worked very well   LTRIM ( Str ( mem . [MemberCardNo] , 38 , 0 ))  Hope this will save your time    

SSIS Error : Code: 0xC0047062 + Its solution

Hi All we need to get files from Https location and then extract and load . For this we are using Script transformation AS SOURCE . As the file need some string operations to get columns we used Script transformation in that we used Httpwebrequest  to connect to that URL by passing username and password . The package works fine from BIDS in my local machine but when we deployed in dev server and created SQL job  the job is getting failed at  HTTP url connection level . with the fallowing error Code: 0xC0047062     Source: get chat file list get files [1]     Description: System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it Code: 0xC0047038     Source: get chat file list SSIS.Pipeline     Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTFAILED. ...

SSRS : Oracle Query taking more time when compare in BIDS with PL/SQL developer + solution

I just want to explain one of the issue we faced when we are using SSRS connecting to oracle  and how we solved that issue Issue : we have a report which connects to Oracle DB . the Query in the dataset is running in 9 Secs  in PL/sql developer  but the same query is taking more than 150 secs in SSRS. we are using Oracleclient type provider. Solution: we tried with different providers . we tried with Mirosoft OLEDB provider also but it is also taking same time . what we observed is the query designer is formating the query structure so that it is removing Index hints. even when we use the query hint the SSRS is removing those hints while executing . to solve this issue we did a workaround. there is a work around to keep the index Hints . once you have created the dataset ,later open the same datset in Expression mode which is formated by the query designer and write your query which contains Hints. It is working for me . Ref : https://social.msdn.micros...

SSIS : SSIS package is failing in SQL agent job with webserviceTaskException: Service Description cannot be null + Solution

we are using webservice task in our ssis package and the package is successful in SSDT . when we created SQL job using that package it is failing with  webserviceTaskException: Service Description cannot be null. to solve the issue 1. we have given access to web service for ssis proxy account  2.we have given access on wsdl file folder  3.we given access to temp folder . Still no luck. So the solution for this . We need to give access to wsdl file also.  

SQL server 2012 TSQL : Msg 402, Level 16, State 1, Line 5 The data types datetime and time are incompatible in the add operator + Solution

Recently when we are migrating sql server 2008 code into Sql server 2012 we found this error . Msg 402, Level 16, State 1, Line 5 The data types datetime and time are incompatible in the add operator.   we came to know that  we cannot  add (+)  or subtract (-)   datatime and time datatype columns as we do in SQL server 2008 . To perform the same functionality we need to cast the time column to datetime column and then perform your action. Delete LKD from OPS_Schema . Alerting_LatestKPIData LKD inner join OPS_Schema . Alerting_SecheduleConfiguration sc on LKD . KPIName = SC . KPIName WHERE SC . LatestCubeDate > =( LKD . latestDate + cast ( LKD . LatestTime as datetime )) and sc . KPIName not like 'NO_DATA_%'

SSAS :Comparing Tabular vs traditional multidimensional model in 2012

These are main features we need to consider when we are going for tabular model  against traditional multidimensional model . 1. Actions: Additional tab in Multidimensional Cube designer, which allows few triggers in cube development. Tabular model doesn’t have this feature. 2.Aggregations: Tab in Multidimensional Cube designer, which allows additional aggregations to the cube database. Tabular Model lags in this feature. 3.Custom Assemblies: We can add reference of custom assemblies in Multidimensional Cube but Tabular Model doesn’t have this flexibility. 4.Many to Many Relationships: We have direct option for adding many to many relationships in Dimensions and Facts for Multidimensional Cube design. This is one of the option but in Tabular Model we need to do some DAX manipulation for this implementation else no direct way. 5.Translations: Again a direct option in Multidimensional Cube designer but lack in Tabular Model designer solutions. 6.Data Mining : D...

SSAS Heterogenous Datasources : SQL Server ,Oracle ,Teradata Combinations

1.    How to use heterogeneous data sources in SSAS 1.1 Introduction              In our Microsoft BI projects we are creating many SQL Server analysis services CUBEs. In General all the Facts and Dimensions are present in one single SQL server instance which is most common design that everybody will fallow .In some cases we need to get the data from two different instances of SQL servers in this case one instance acts as primary data source and other instance acts as secondary data sources in Data Source view (DSV).   In our Telecom data warehouse we have different applications in different relational databases. Most of the mobile traffic data and Transactional data is available in Oracle and remaining Customer, CDR and Historical data in Teradata databases. We have to create near-real time CUBEs which we need to present /Alert data within 5-10 minutes of actual event occur for example if number of cal...