SSAS Heterogenous Datasources : SQL Server ,Oracle ,Teradata Combinations
1. How to use heterogeneous data sources in SSAS 1.1 Introduction In our Microsoft BI projects we are creating many SQL Server analysis services CUBEs. In General all the Facts and Dimensions are present in one single SQL server instance which is most common design that everybody will fallow .In some cases we need to get the data from two different instances of SQL servers in this case one instance acts as primary data source and other instance acts as secondary data sources in Data Source view (DSV). In our Telecom data warehouse we have different applications in different relational databases. Most of the mobile traffic data and Transactional data is available in Oracle and remaining Customer, CDR and Historical data in Teradata databases. We have to create near-real time CUBEs which we need to present /Alert data within 5-10 minutes of actual event occur for example if number of cal...