SSIS : Removing unnecessary characters ;# from sharepoint list data

when we are loading data from Sharepoint list  we will get some extra characters with the actual colum value .

For example : if the column (Level 1) value is Collaboartion then when we are using SSIS that value will come like 16;#Collaboration . But we need to store only actual data in that case we need to correct that column data .

To solve this issue we need to keep a derived column after sharepointlist source  and give the Expression

SUBSTRING([Level 1],FINDSTRING([Level 1],"#",1) + 1,255 - FINDSTRING([Level 1],"#",1))

i will explain you how it will work

for Example if we take column value  16;#Collaboration

FINDSTRING([Level 1],"#",1)  this function retuns value where search string occurs for the first time

in the above case it 4  so the final substring expression looks like

SUBSTRING('16;#Collaboration',4 + 1,255 - 4)
This returns substring from 5th position to 251 position
 which is =>   Collaboration


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