SSAS MDX Error: Two sets specified in the function have different dimensionality + Solution

when we run the below mdx query

WITH SET LastSample AS TAIL(NONEMPTY([Date].[Hierarchy].members *[Time].[Hierarchy].members,[Measures].[Overall LU SR]))
MEMBER [KPI Name] AS "Overall LU"
MEMBER [KPI Value] As KPIValue("Overall LU SR")
MEMBER [KPI Status] AS KPIStatus("Overall LU SR")
MEMBER ObjectName as "Overall LU SR"
MEMBER [Critical Threshold] as [KPI Thresholds].[Threshold1].&[Overall LU SR].member_value
MEMBER [Major Threshold] AS [KPI Thresholds].[Threshold2].&[Overall LU SR].member_value
MEMBER [Minor Threshold] AS 0
MEMBER latestDate as [Date].[Hierarchy].membervalue, format_string = 'mm/dd/YYYY'
MEMBER latestTime as [Time].[Hierarchy].member_caption
SELECT {latestDate,latestTime,ObjectName,[KPI Name], [KPI Value],[KPI Status],[Measures].[Critical Threshold],[Measures].[Major Threshold],[Measures].[Minor Threshold]} ON COLUMNS
,nonempty(LastSample) ON ROWS

we got the below error
Executing the query ...
Query (11, 9) Two sets specified in the  function have different dimensionality.

Execution complete 
This error is misleading us ,  where are 2 Set s?   Then after many trail and error methods we identified there is problem with  MEMBER [KPI Name]  . The strange thing is  when we change the name of the member it is working fine  but it is not working with [KPI Name] but we need that name .
The final solution is we added Measures dimension to the name while selecting .

WITH SET LastSample AS TAIL(NONEMPTY([Date].[Hierarchy].members *[Time].[Hierarchy].members,[Measures].[Overall LU SR]))
MEMBER [KPI Name] AS "Overall LU"
MEMBER [KPI Value] As KPIValue("Overall LU SR")
MEMBER [KPI Status] AS KPIStatus("Overall LU SR")
MEMBER ObjectName as "Overall LU SR"
MEMBER [Critical Threshold] as  [KPI Thresholds].[Threshold1].&[Overall LU SR].member_value
MEMBER [Major Threshold] AS  [KPI Thresholds].[Threshold2].&[Overall LU SR].member_value
MEMBER [Minor Threshold] AS 0
MEMBER latestDate as [Date].[Hierarchy].membervalue, format_string = 'mm/dd/YYYY'
MEMBER latestTime as [Time].[Hierarchy].member_caption
SELECT  {latestDate,latestTime,ObjectName,[Measures].[KPI Name], [KPI Value],[KPI Status],[Measures].[Critical Threshold],[Measures].[Major Threshold],[Measures].[Minor Threshold]} ON COLUMNS
,nonempty(LastSample) ON ROWS


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