SSAS AMO Object : Script to find a particular partition in a Measure group

In AMO scripting to find a particular Partition in a Measure group  then see the below script

//Declare AMO server object and get the server detail from connection manager

         amoServer = new AMO.Server();
// Then get Measure group name using FindByName function
                amoMeasureGroup = amoServer.Databases.FindByName(amoServer.ConnectionInfo.Catalog.ToString()).Cubes.FindByName(myCubeName).MeasureGroups.FindByName(myMeasureGroupName);
                amoServer.CaptureXml = true;
// Prepare partition name  which you are going to search
                String myNextPartitionName = myPartitionNamePrefix + myLastPeriodName_source.Replace(":", "_").Replace("-", "_");

                //check wether next partition already exists
                if (!amoMeasureGroup.Partitions.Contains(myNextPartitionName))


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