
Showing posts from 2016

PowerBI :Best Method for Versioning Power BI Files and Tracking Incremental Changes to the report

For PowerBI pro License we have the feature called Groups . When we aCreate Group in Power BI ,It  automatically creates  a folder in OneDrive for Business for that Group . The best method for deploying  power BI Report/Dashboard fromPowerBI desktop to PowerBI  service is 1. Once the Report is finished in PowerBI desktop save the file. 2.Place that  .pbix file in Group folder in onedrive for Business 3. From PowerBI service Connect to the new file which is in Onedrive for that group 4.Later if you made any changes to the report , you can place the modified .pbix file in one drive it automatically reflects the change to powerBI when refersh happens

How to Add power BI tiles in CRM Online

1. ADMIN of CRM online can select this feature to insert  Power BI Tiles in CRM dashboards 2. Go to Seeting --> System -- > Administrration --> system Settings 3. Go to Repoting Tab in system settings 4. Allow Power BI tile embeeding option to Yes 5. Go to Sales --> Dashboards  --> New 6. Select the layout whihc you want to insert 7. Now Click on Power BI Tile Tab ( appears after you perform step 4 ) 8. now you are able to see all the dashboards and tiles you have permission in power BI site 

Simple steps to Connect Power BI Reports from CRM online dashboards

Step 1 : Create a new web resource in CRM onine ( web resouces is under components is CRM solution) Step 2 :  In new Web Resource give the fallowing details         General          Name : PowerBI_Interactive          Displayname : Power BI CRM Dashboard          Description : CRM Dashboards using power BI     Content           Type : webpage (HTML)           Language : English              URL: iframe code to ccess powerBI reports , by using iframe code you can access power BI reports from any web page where it is used once web resource is created crosscheck if it is listed down in web resources section step 3 : In Dasbords Tab of CRM online  , create a new dashboard and link the web resources created previously Step 4 : save and publish the dashboard

SQL Server MDS : How to Know Actual MDS Table name for Model Entity and Column name for the Attribute

How to Know Actual MDS Table name for Model Entity and Column name for the Attribute . here is the Script  USE MDS ------------------------------------------------------------ -- TODO: Define Model name, Entity name, and Attribute Name        DECLARE @Model NVARCHAR ( 50 )        = '<<GiveModelName>>' ;        DECLARE @Entity_Name NVARCHAR ( 50 ) = '<<GiveEntityName>>' ;        DECLARE @Attribute_Name NVARCHAR ( 50 )= '<<GiveAttributeName>>' ; ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Set @Table name        DECLARE @Table NVARCHAR ( 128 );              SELECT @Table = EntityTable FROM mdm . viw_SYSTEM_SCHEMA_ENTITY WHERE Model_Name = @Model AND name = @Entity_Name ; --...

MDS Error 300034 - The member code is already used by a member that was deleted. Pick a different code or ask an administrator to remove the deleted member from the MDS database + Solution

Hi All when we tried to delete the members whose code is not autogenerated ( ie having specific code to the member) and try to insert the same code member we will get this error. The delete in MDS is a Soft delete which will available in MDS tables even after these deletes . So fallow these steps to avoid the error Step1 : Reverse the transaction of the deleted member to bring the member and its code back to an active state. See here for reactivating a deleted member: Step 2 : After that , use entity based staging to purge (permanently delete) the code from MDS. This will require using an import type of 4 or 6. Here is more information regarding entity based staging: Step 3:  Insert the member with same code now you wont get error .

MDS 2014 : How to Create Custom Index on MDS attributes

Hi All we need to Create index on some of the Matching attributes in our Customer Entity. It is not straight forward in MDS DB , so for that we need to do the fallowing steps Step1 : Get the Entity ID and EntityTable metadata from mdmtblEntity  table in MDS DB Step2 : Need to Get the attribute tablecolumn from mdm.tblAttribute table . we can create a Dynamic query to create custome index when you know EntityName and attributes names. Dyanmic query USE MDS GO Declare @SQL Varchar(2000), @f int =0 Declare  @i int, @S Varchar(50) Select @S=EntityTable , @i=ID From mdm.tblentity where name='Customer' If Exists (Select Name From Sysindexes Where Name='IX_Customer_MatchAttributes_001') Begin Set @SQL ='Drop Index IX_Customer_MatchAttributes_001 on mdm.' +  @S exec  (@SQL) set @f=1 End Set @SQL   ='CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_Customer_MatchAttributes_001 ON [mdm].' Set @SQL= @SQL + '['+  @S +'] (' Select @SQL = @SQL + '[...

Microsoft Azure SQL Database Vs SQL Server Databases

Hi All I have listed out some of the differences between azure SQL Database and SQL server Databases. you need to select any one of the 2 based on the features you want in your project , in our project we are handling with PII data where we need Transparent Data encryption which is not available in Azure SQL Database so we went for SQL server databases .   SQL Server Database Azure SQL Database services Category       Size Limitations SQL server can grow upto 524,272 Terabytes 1 to 5 GB for web edition   and    10 to 150GB   for business edition       Connecion Limitations   Tcp/ip   , sharedmemory , and Named Pipes client protocols Only one TCP/IP   Windows authentication No windows authentication   only through username and password   Communication through static/Dyanic port only through 1433 port Unsupported Features In SQL database   Agent Service    ...

SQL SERVER Query to Find Status competed of Backup /Restore or any process in Server

Hi All some times when we run the backup or restore of big databases  it will take time and we need to know the status of that task then please run the below query which will the percentage complete . select   T.text, R.Status, R.Command, DatabaseName = db_name(R.database_id)                  , R.cpu_time, R.total_elapsed_time, R.percent_complete from     sys.dm_exec_requests R                         cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(R.sql_handle) T  

SQL Server 2014 Master Data Services + The execute permission was denied on the object ‘udpSystemget’ database MDS, schema mdm + solution

Hi All when we restore the MDS DB from one environment to another Environment and the versions are not same in those  environments  in this we case , after restoration is finished we connect to Master Data services configuration manager and then select the restored DB , it automatically enable Upgrade Database option , then go with that option . once everything is configured , when try to connect using Master data maestro tool we are getting I am getting the fallowing error  The execute permission was denied on the object ‘udpSystemget’ database MDS , schema mdm . Cannot find the object 'tblStgBatch', because it does not exist or you do not have permission. Cannot find the object 'tblUserMemberCount', because it does not exist or you do not have permission. Then I started debugging the issue I ran the MDS configuration manager  also it required upgrade database option and I did it , it is successful , and I am also able to browse MDS APP , there i...

SQL Server 2014 Master Data Services issue + [HttpWebRequest_WebException_RemoteServer] Arguments : NotFound Debugging resouce strings are unavailable and its solution

Hi All when we restored the MDS database in sql server and configured the Master data services configuration manager  and all the settings went well . when we try to access the Master data services web service we are able to access the web service but when we click on any feature we are getting the [HttpWebRequest_WebException_RemoteServer] Arguments : NotFound  Debugging resouce strings are unavailable  as shown below then we try to browse the  MDS services http://localhost/MDS/Service/Service.svc we got the fallowing error Server Error in '/MDS_PreProd' Application. Memory gates checking failed because the free memory (5234458624 bytes) is less than 5% of total memory.  As a result, the service will not be available for incoming requests.  To resolve this, either reduce the load on the machine or adjust the value of minFreeMemoryPercentageToActivateService on the serviceHostingEnvironment config element. Description: An...