MDS 2014 : How to Create Custom Index on MDS attributes
Hi All
we need to Create index on some of the Matching attributes in our Customer Entity. It is not straight forward in MDS DB , so for that we need to do the fallowing steps
Step1 : Get the Entity ID and EntityTable metadata from mdmtblEntity table in MDS DB
Step2 : Need to Get the attribute tablecolumn from mdm.tblAttribute table .
we can create a Dynamic query to create custome index when you know EntityName and attributes names.
Dyanmic query
Declare @SQL Varchar(2000), @f int =0
Declare @i int, @S Varchar(50)
Select @S=EntityTable , @i=ID From mdm.tblentity where name='Customer'
If Exists (Select Name From Sysindexes Where Name='IX_Customer_MatchAttributes_001')
Set @SQL ='Drop Index IX_Customer_MatchAttributes_001 on mdm.' + @S
exec (@SQL)
set @f=1
Set @SQL ='CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_Customer_MatchAttributes_001
ON [mdm].'
Set @SQL= @SQL + '['+ @S +'] ('
Select @SQL = @SQL + '['+ Tablecolumn +']' From mdm.tblAttribute where Name in ('matchAddress') and Entity_ID=@i
Select @SQL = @SQL + ','+ '['+ Tablecolumn +'] )
Include (' From mdm.tblAttribute where Name in ('matchPostCode') and Entity_ID=@i
Select @SQL=@SQL + '['+ Tablecolumn +']' From mdm.tblAttribute where name in ('matchNameFirst' ) and Entity_ID=@i
Select @SQL=@SQL + ',['+ Tablecolumn +'] ' From mdm.tblAttribute where name in ('nameLast' ) and Entity_ID=@i
Select @SQL=@SQL + ',['+ Tablecolumn +'] ' From mdm.tblAttribute where name in ('emailAddress' ) and Entity_ID=@i
Select @SQL=@SQL + ',['+ Tablecolumn +'] ' From mdm.tblAttribute where name in ('matchPhoneHome' ) and Entity_ID=@i
Select @SQL=@SQL + ',['+ Tablecolumn +'] ' From mdm.tblAttribute where name in ('matchPhoneMobile' ) and Entity_ID=@i
Select @SQL=@SQL + ',['+ Tablecolumn +'] ) ' From mdm.tblAttribute where name in ('MemberNumber' ) and Entity_ID=@I
exec ( @SQL )
--select @SQL
if @f=0
If Exists (Select Name From Sysindexes Where Name='IX_Customer_MatchAttributes_001')
Print 'Sucessfully Created Index IX_Customer_MatchAttributes_001'
if @f=1
If Exists (Select Name From Sysindexes Where Name='IX_Customer_MatchAttributes_001')
Print 'Sucessfully Re-Created Index IX_Customer_MatchAttributes_001'
we need to Create index on some of the Matching attributes in our Customer Entity. It is not straight forward in MDS DB , so for that we need to do the fallowing steps
Step1 : Get the Entity ID and EntityTable metadata from mdmtblEntity table in MDS DB
Step2 : Need to Get the attribute tablecolumn from mdm.tblAttribute table .
we can create a Dynamic query to create custome index when you know EntityName and attributes names.
Dyanmic query
Declare @SQL Varchar(2000), @f int =0
Declare @i int, @S Varchar(50)
Select @S=EntityTable , @i=ID From mdm.tblentity where name='Customer'
If Exists (Select Name From Sysindexes Where Name='IX_Customer_MatchAttributes_001')
Set @SQL ='Drop Index IX_Customer_MatchAttributes_001 on mdm.' + @S
exec (@SQL)
set @f=1
Set @SQL ='CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_Customer_MatchAttributes_001
ON [mdm].'
Set @SQL= @SQL + '['+ @S +'] ('
Select @SQL = @SQL + '['+ Tablecolumn +']' From mdm.tblAttribute where Name in ('matchAddress') and Entity_ID=@i
Select @SQL = @SQL + ','+ '['+ Tablecolumn +'] )
Include (' From mdm.tblAttribute where Name in ('matchPostCode') and Entity_ID=@i
Select @SQL=@SQL + '['+ Tablecolumn +']' From mdm.tblAttribute where name in ('matchNameFirst' ) and Entity_ID=@i
Select @SQL=@SQL + ',['+ Tablecolumn +'] ' From mdm.tblAttribute where name in ('nameLast' ) and Entity_ID=@i
Select @SQL=@SQL + ',['+ Tablecolumn +'] ' From mdm.tblAttribute where name in ('emailAddress' ) and Entity_ID=@i
Select @SQL=@SQL + ',['+ Tablecolumn +'] ' From mdm.tblAttribute where name in ('matchPhoneHome' ) and Entity_ID=@i
Select @SQL=@SQL + ',['+ Tablecolumn +'] ' From mdm.tblAttribute where name in ('matchPhoneMobile' ) and Entity_ID=@i
Select @SQL=@SQL + ',['+ Tablecolumn +'] ) ' From mdm.tblAttribute where name in ('MemberNumber' ) and Entity_ID=@I
exec ( @SQL )
--select @SQL
if @f=0
If Exists (Select Name From Sysindexes Where Name='IX_Customer_MatchAttributes_001')
Print 'Sucessfully Created Index IX_Customer_MatchAttributes_001'
if @f=1
If Exists (Select Name From Sysindexes Where Name='IX_Customer_MatchAttributes_001')
Print 'Sucessfully Re-Created Index IX_Customer_MatchAttributes_001'
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