SSIS Teradata connect
SQL Server integration services 2008 provides 3 new connectivity options . The three new connectors (for Oracle, Teradata and SAP BW) will be available as a downloadable feature pack for Enterprise Edition.
Integration services – Teradata connectivity
For any Dot net application to connect Terdata database we need to have Teradata .Net Provider . This is required for SSIS also .
The Offical downloads for Teradata .Net data Provider are available at
The first step we need to do to connect teradata from SSIS is install teradata .Net data provider in the system .
Step 1 : Create connection manager
First create a connection manager with the provider .Net Providers\.Net Data Provider for teradata. Provide the Server name , Username and password which looks
Step 2 : Create ADO Net Source for connecting teradata database
Drag and drop ADO NET Source into Dataflow task and double click it .
In Connection Manager Section please provide the ADO.NET Connection manager name which was created in my previous step .
There are 2 Data access mode 1. Table or View or 2. Sql command .
If you select sql command , just provide teradata query in sql command text textbox.
After that click on columns tab which is mandatory .
You can select any destination what you want based on your requirement to load .
Step 3 : How to create dynamic or parameterized teradata queries using ssis ADO NET Source .
This is little bit tricky part we need to implement to have parameterized teradata queries . There is no direct option of using parameters Like OLEDB Source .
We need to fallow these steps .
Step 3.1 : Use Execute SQL task to create parameterized taradata query.
Use Execute Sql Task to create parameterized query and final result set should be the Teradata query with embedded parameter values and assign this result to variable .
For preparing this sql statement you can connect to sql server .
Example :
Sql statement :
select 'SEL ''Commission'' as institution,''ISDN PRA'' as Lines,call_date AS Period_begin,_time_HM AS Period_begin_HM,call_time_sec AS Period_begin_sec,calling_party_cust_id Originating_Institution,nm,tds_pa_id,''BELGIUM'' AS Originating_Country,''K22971112 ''AS fixed_headnum,na_headnum,calling_na Originating_Number,CASE WHEN TRIM(a.traffic_type)||TRIM(called_area_Cd)=''FP0800'' THEN ''FP0800'' ELSE a.traffic_type END AS Destination_type,traffic_type_descr AS Destination_type_descr,code_country,rate_class_desc_en AS Destination_detail,called_ctry_cd AS Destination_ctry_cd,TRIM(called_area_cd)AS Destination_number_area_cd,TRIM(called_access_no)AS Destination_number_access_no,SUM(calls)AS Number_of_Calls,SUM(duration_sec)AS Duration_in_seconds,SUM(duration_sec(DECIMAL(13,2)))/60 AS Duration_in_minutes,SUM(rerated_amount)AS Net_rate FROM
(SEL call_date,call_time_hm,call_time_sec,call_time_hm/100 AS _hour,CASE WHEN call_time_hm - (call_time_hm/100)*100 < 10 THEN ''0''||TRIM(call_time_hm - (call_time_hm/100)*100)ELSE TRIM(call_time_hm - (call_time_hm/100)*100)END AS _minute,CASE WHEN call_time_hm/100 < 10 THEN ''0''||TRIM(call_time_hm/100)||'':''||TRIM(_minute) ELSE TRIM(call_time_hm/100)||'':''||TRIM(_minute)END AS _time_HM,calling_party_cust_id,calling_party_acct_id,nm,tds_pa_id,TRIM(calling_area_cd)||TRIM(calling_access_no) AS calling_na,product_nr,CASE WHEN rate_class_desc_en LIKE ''%Marian%'' THEN ''MNP''WHEN rate_class_desc_en LIKE ''%micronesi%'' THEN ''FSM''ELSE iso_cd END AS code_country,rate_class_desc_en,traffic_type,called_ctry_cd,called_area_cd,called_access_no,COUNT(*)AS calls,SUM(call_duration) AS duration_sec,SUM(rerated_amount) AS rerated_amount
FROM ( SEL calling_party_acct_id,calling_party_cust_id,product_nr ,traffic_type,call_date,call_time_hm,call_time_sec,calling_area_cd,calling_access_no,called_ctry_cd ,called_area_cd,called_access_no, call_duration,rated_amount,rerated_amount FROM dwhodsv.cob_b_call_mktg_load1 where call_date >= cast ('''+?+''' as date format''dd/mm/YYYY'') and call_date <= cast ('''+?+''' as date format''dd/mm/YYYY'')
and calling_party_cust_id in (610959239,610959559 ) AND product_pi IN (''i'',''p'',''m'')
SEL calling_party_acct_id,calling_party_cust_id,product_nr ,traffic_type,call_date,call_time_hm,call_time_sec,calling_area_cd,calling_access_no,called_ctry_cd ,called_area_cd,called_access_no, call_duration,rated_amount,rerated_amount FROM dwhodsv.cob_b_call_mktg where call_date >= cast ('''+?+''' as date format''dd/mm/YYYY'') and call_date <= cast ('''+?+''' as date format''dd/mm/YYYY'')
and calling_party_cust_id in (610959239,610959559 ) AND product_pi IN (''i'',''p'',''m'')
LEFT JOIN dwhcdbv.cdb_b_account_active c
ON a.calling_party_acct_id = c.party_acct_id
AND a.calling_party_cust_id = c.party_cust_id
AND c.party_cust_id IN (610959239,610959559 )
ON a.product_nr = g.base_product_nr
GROUP BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 ) a
LEFT JOIN dwhrefv.traffic_type b
ON a.traffic_type = b.traffic_type
AND lang = ''N''
LEFT JOIN (sel a.party_cust_id,b.na_headnum, FROM dwhcdbv.cdb_b_subs_na_line a
left join dwhabdv.abd_na b on
( between ''022920000''AND ''022929999'' OR BETWEEN ''022950000'' AND ''022959999'' OR BETWEEN ''022960000'' AND ''022969999'' OR BETWEEN ''022970000'' AND ''022979999'' OR BETWEEN ''022980000'' AND ''022989999''OR BETWEEN ''022990000''AND ''022989999'' OR BETWEEN ''022823700'' AND ''022823709'' OR BETWEEN ''027393090'' AND ''027393099'')
) c
(TRIM(calling_na) BETWEEN ''022920000''AND ''022929999''OR TRIM(calling_na) BETWEEN ''022950000''AND ''022959999'' OR TRIM(calling_na) BETWEEN ''022960000'' AND ''022969999'' OR TRIM(calling_na) BETWEEN ''022970000''AND ''022979999'' OR TRIM(calling_na) BETWEEN ''022980000''AND ''022989999'' OR TRIM(calling_na) BETWEEN ''022990000'' AND ''022999999'')
GROUP BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19'
delete ODS_Schema.VA_LOT1_Details
where MONTH(period_begin) = month(DATEADD(dd,-(DAY(GETDATE())),GETDATE()))
and Institution ='Commission' and Lines ='ISDN PRA'
Parameter mapping looks like this .
The final result should be the teradata query which returned to variable like
Step 3.2 : How to create dynamic or parameterized teradata queries using ssis ADO NET Source .
After you created dataflow task as mentioned in Step 2 which include ADO NET source and any destination in dataflow task window come back to control flow level and right click DataFloaw task to go properties .
In Expressions Property
Select [ADO NET Source].[Sql command] property and value of variable where we are storing final teradata query in our previous step ie @[User::EC_ISDNPRA]
Limitation : The Final Query shouldn’t cross 4000 characters . it is a limitation of the expression feature in SSIS.
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