SSRS 2008 R2 New Feature RenderFormat

In SSRS 2008R2 you can have control on Rendering Reports . Reporting Services built-in rendering extension names include: "WORD", "EXCEL", "PDF", "MHTML", "IMAGE" (includes TIFF, Print). Note that interactive viewing in preview or report manager uses the "RPL" renderer.

Some of the Few Actions which we did in our project are like  :
1.Disable the Go to Action Report ( ie to go to SubReport) from  hyperlink in a rendered report in Excel .
Solution :
You'll need to go to the Action section on the cell which has the hyperlink. You probably have set the "Go to Report" action. Instead of just specifying the report, you'll need to specify an expression for it instead, something like this:
IIf(Globals!RenderFormat.Name = "EXCEL", Nothing, "YourReportPath")
you could also use the .IsInteractive property, which will disable the links for PDF exports as well:
IIf(Globals!RenderFormat.IsInteractive, "YourReportPath", Nothing)
2. To Hide a particular Reportitem when exporting  to Excel .
The screenshot below shows a typical usage example of setting a Visibility.Hidden expression to =(Globals!RenderFormat.IsInteractive = "EXCEL")to hide a particular reportitem when exporting to Excel.


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